Contact / Sign up / Map


[insert_ajaxcontact id=262]If you have not heard  from us within 5 days of  your request, please use the email directly instead of the contact form.ThanksNB! It has happened that emails from bigger firms get their mails returned due to the safety firewalls.

Contact details

Energiverkstedet, Kongsgaten 44 N-4005 Stavanger
Tlf: +47 51 52 88 24 Mobil: +47 900 78 466

Sign up for classes

Free trail the first time you attend a class if you preregister!

The fee of classes are prepaid, where you decide how many classes you would like to attend. Payment to account
0532 122 1779 w/Energiverkstedet. Specify exactly which course you would like to attend !

The paid amount is valid for the current season only, and you are liable for the payment.


Kongsgate. 44, 4005 Stavanger ,

Ph:+47 51 52 88 24 ,Cell: +47 900 78 466

Map Kongsgaten 44, 4005 Stavanger

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