Utleie av lokaler/ rent of rooms


 Vi har ledige slots høsten 2024, dagtid og kveld, ta kontakt!
Kontakt for detaljer! se  priser for korte eller lengre forløp:
Prices for rentals January 2024:

Prices for renting Kongsgate 44,  vår 2024

Fasilitetene er sentralt plassert midt i Stavanger.
5 min fra jernbane og sentrale bussholdeplasser.

Priser pr. Januar  2024:

 Se på kalender for mer informasjon om når lokalene er ledige for leie.

Prices for renting Kongsgate 44, January 2024 

OBS: Cancellation notice: 50% of price for room, if canceled later than 24 hours before start.!

 Electricity charges will be added from November to April, according to the usage, where the split is 60% to the one renting and 40% by the host.
This will be invoiced later for weekend events.

Individual sessions, small or big room:

Small room:
Session 1 -1,5h kr 150 pr session for less than 4 pr month, and kr 130 after that.
Session 1,5h – 3 h kr 220 pr session for less than 4 pr month, and kr 180 after that.

Big room:  Session 1 – 1,5h kr 180 pr session for less than 4 pr month, and kr 160 after that.

                    Session 1,5h- 3 h kr 235 pr session for less than 4 pr month, and kr 190 after that.
Electricity charges will be added from November to April, according to the usage.
For guest therapist passing through: add kr 20 pr session, no matter how many sessions.

 Big room ongoing classes:

Weekday evenings Monday-Thursday 16 -22 high demand hours!

8 weeks or more classes pr season:

1 h,15 min classes kr 370, and if 2 classes pr week kr 315 pr class!

1,5 h kr 420

2 h hour pr class: kr 490,-

Weekday daytimes Monday-Friday 8-16 low demand hours

1h-1,5 -2 hour kr 260, pr class, and if 2 classes pr week kr 210 pr class

Big Room Occasionally classes :

Weekdays and Weekends

1,5 hours kr 840,-

2 hours    kr 945,-

3 hours    kr 1 150

4 -5 h       kr 1450, if there are 2 sessions pr weekend total 9-10 h kr 2 630

6 hours kr 1 630
8 hours kr 2 050

Friday- Saturday, 3h and  Saturday 6-7 h, total 9-10 h kr 2 630

Friday 3 h, Saturday 12 h kr 3 150

Saturday- Sunday 6-8 h pr day, total 12-16 h kr 3 630

Cancellation notice: full price for room, if cancelled later than24 hours before start.!
Full weekend terms:

Prices pr.  Januray 2024 without cleaning, Cleaning included ? add kr 700,-

Full Saturday-Sunday    12-16 h, kr 3 630

Fridays from kl 17.15 -18.00 – till Sundays ca kl 17.00-18.00

Friday evening  – Sunday kr  4 200

Friday morning- Sunday evening kr 4 520

Cleaning included, add kr 700,-!

 All Prices are without Vat, as renting is not Vat applicable.

 Deposit of kr 700 ,-by booking, the remaining amount is invoiced 3 weeks before the rental.
If cancellation later than this, the full amount is expected.

Kr 150, is withheld for admin expenses, if cancellation terms are valid.

Beløpet er fritatt for mva. 

Dvs leietaker tar rengjøring selv.
kr 700 ekstra- om utleier tar rengjøring etter kurs.
Beløpet er fritatt for mva. 


Depositum kr 700,- faktureres ved booking.
Restbeløp forfaller 3 uker før dato for utleie.
Leietaker er ansvarlig for beløp om forfall meldes senere
enn 3 uker før start.

Depositum tilbakebetales minus kr 150 i administrasjonsutgifter om 3 ukers frist er overholdt!